Define a function after the request #Flask #memo #python

I love flask and django for making web app and often use Flask for web app development. Sometime the app will serve files after getting user request. In this case, static files which are generated by the app will be stored in static folder. And the folder will store lots of files. So I wouldContinue reading “Define a function after the request #Flask #memo #python”

SAR visualization with RDKit ver2.

Somedays ago I posted SARviz test code using RDKit. It was based on command line type. So, I think it is easy to use for applying SDF etc but not familiar for chemist. Because almost of chemist, don’t like black command screen….;-) Next step, I tried to make very simple web-app using I usedContinue reading “SAR visualization with RDKit ver2.”

Form handling in Flask

Now I’m coding simple design-tracking system. Almost looks like a blog service. I use Flask as web app flame work. But I’m not good at web design. It’s difficult for me to make form template. There are some extensions about Flask.  And I found that using Flask-Bootstrap( Bootstrap ) make easy to beautiful layout. KeyContinue reading “Form handling in Flask”

Draw Molecular Matched Pair as SVG.

Somedays ago, I posted drawing molecule as SVG using RDKit. It works fine. So, I challenged draw MMP as SVG. My plan is … 1. Generate MMP using RDKit. 2. Store MMP data to MongoDB. 3. Provide MMP data to user using flask. 4. Draw structure on the fly using Ajax. OK, Let start! StepContinue reading “Draw Molecular Matched Pair as SVG.”

similarity network using cytoscape.js.

Lots of relationships are presented as graph. For example, if I set molecule as node, and similarity as edge, I could make molecular networks. Cytoscape.js is one of the good tool. It is an open-source JavaScript graph theory library for analysis and visualisation. And works on server side. So, Not depend on client machine. IContinue reading “similarity network using cytoscape.js.”

mol_prop_calc and Flask and Ajax

I build very simple portal site in my lab, that can predict some physchem value using structure designed by med chem. I used javascript library jQuery and python library flask , rdkit for main code. Ajax is very powerful because it can return results without screen translation. But,,,,,,, I’m not good at javascript ;-(…. (alsoContinue reading “mol_prop_calc and Flask and Ajax”